As a consulting firm of professional licensed psychologists, our mission is to help clients get the right people into the right jobs, help people grow to their full potential on the job and help executive teams become more effective. We provide professional, valid, reliable, timely, practical and cost-effective psychological consulting services. We have extensive experience in assessment for selection and development, leadership succession planning, executive coaching, job analysis, selection validation, employee surveys and team building.
Executive Team Assessment provides an objective evaluation of the strengths and gaps of the team at the top. It focuses on the current status of the team as well as on future needs. Clients often include developmental feedback to the individual executives. A team overview is also part of the process. This is a valuable individual diagnostic tool as well as a crucial baseline in the beginning of a consulting relationship. We typically start a new client engagement with this activity.
Executive Assessment involves an interview which focuses on education, work history, background, self-perceptions, goals, etc. Standardized tests and personality inventories are also used to provide normative data. Individual executive assessment as part of an executive team assessment often includes a customized 360 or peer rating.
For candidate selection assessments immediate telephone feedback is provided to the hiring executive. This feedback focuses on the candidate’s strengths, developmental needs and potential limitations relative to the position in question. The end result is a written report which focuses on conceptual skills, emotional make-up, motivational factors, interpersonal skills and leadership style. Depending on client policies, the executive being assessed may be provided feedback regarding his or her psychological strengths, personality characteristics and suggestions for career planning and personal growth.
Standard Psychological Assessment. This process is similar to the executive assessment. However, for mid-level managers and individual performers the interview may not be as long because the work histories aren’t usually as extensive. The standardized testing is usually the same for both groups. Depending on the client organization policies and preferences, feedback to the individuals can be part of the process.
Remote Battery (Assessment Without Interview). Some clients prefer to administer a test battery at their location and to have us interpret the results without the face-to-face interview. In these circumstances we don’t make recommendations for employment but we do offer extensive descriptive information and suggestions for further interviews, reference checks and on-the-job development.