Many readers of MPG articles and newsletters are also users of the eTest online testing platform. Having been incorporated in 1996, eTest was one of the first online pre-employment testing companies. It was created to offer affordable and valid assessments to augment the services of MPG. Over the years, it has grown by providing assessment reports developed […]
Millennials and Motivation
“How do we motivate Millennials?” It seems every client has asked this question recently, and you can’t pick up a business magazine without seeing some article related to this question. In an attempt to separate wheat from chaff, we looked at some of the recent research to see if we could glean a few insights […]
The 3 x 5 Conversation: A Simple Aid for Growth and Leadership Development
We all need feedback but few of us get the kind to really help us be successful on the job. And few of us do a good job of giving other people similar critique. The 3 x 5 conversation is a simple but effective way to communicate and to make sure we are focusing on […]
3x5 conversation, communication, hodge golson, leadership development, mpgActive Leadership 10: For the CEO
Wrapping up his first year as CEO, Eric feels that he’s just beginning to get his feet wet. He expected surprises and for the most part was prepared for them. In general he is pleased with the company results although there’s always room for improvement. His board has been cooperative and he has managed to […]
Hodge Golson; Active Leadership; CEOThe Three Worst Mistakes in the Use of Selection Tests
Although there are potential risks in the use of pre-employment tests, they continue to be one of the most popular and effective tools to help managers make good hiring decisions. If you currently use them, or are considering doing so, here are three things you really need to know to help you avoid legal trouble […]
Michele Mobley; Hodge Golson; Employment tests; mistakes in testing; legality of testingActive Leadership 9: Getting the Culture Right
Deborah has transformed one of the worst performing plants in the company to one of the stars. She appreciated the formal recognition as general manager of the year, but what she enjoys most is knowing she has made a real difference in the organization and in people’s lives. Although there was plenty of complexity and […]
Hodge Golson; Active Leadership; Corporate CultureActive Leadership 8: Protecting your organization from the wrong people
On her way to a promising job interview, Maria can’t help feeling a sense of loss and disappointment when she thinks about some of the reasons she is seeking a change. When she joined her current organization, a nonprofit dedicated to improving local communities, she was enthusiastic and convinced that she could make a real […]
golson, leadership, machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathyDeveloping your organization: the right people (Active Leadership 7)
Bob had a successful early career in large account sales, and is now in his second role as leader of a national accounts group. His team sells complex systems integration services to the company’s largest customers. Many of his people have technical and engineering degrees. They are usually quite clever in helping their clients solve […]
getting the right people, golson, leadershipeTest — one of the first online assessment companies
Many readers of MPG articles and newsletters are also users of the eTest online testing platform*. As such, they are familiar with the basic report, The Hiring Manager’s Confidential Interview Guide (described below). However, they may not be aware that there are three other types of reports, available from the initial eTest assessment data that […]
etest,, online assessmentTransitions: anticipating the demands of new roles and adapting (Active Leadership 6)
Catherine has been fiercely competitive and quite successful in everything she has ever tried to do. She was awarded academic and athletic scholarships, and graduated cum laude with a degree in electrical engineering from a major university. People have always assumed she was destined for greatness. The confidence that came from her many successes reinforced […]
golson, leadership, transitions