On-line Testing. The eTest battery is the heart of our on-line testing service. This assessment is used for a very wide range of jobs and levels. The information provided by this process can help the hiring manager tailor his or her further interviews and reference checks with the candidate. Feedback to the hiring manager or HR professional is immediate. The standard options available from the basic battery are a personality and performance profile, a hiring manager’s interview guide, a developmental report, a leadership report and a sales success profile. The standard reports can be customized through “peak performer” studies and full scale functional job analyses. This service is provided by our sister company, eTest.net.
Surveys. Need quick turnaround of survey data? We help design, implement and deliver multi-rater feedback (360 assessments), attitude surveys, team diagnostics and other similar survey data over the internet. We have a variety of standard instruments for such purposes but many clients use our customized surveys. We can administer a client”s traditional annual survey on-line for quicker turnaround and greater ease of use.